Anabah Maternity Centre Expansion Nears Completion
We are proud to announce that the expansion project at the Anabah Maternity Centre, Afghanistan, is now in its final stage.
The Maternity Centre, which has treated nearly 300,000 patients and delivered over 30,000 babies since it opened in 2003, will now be able to accommodate even more women from across the Panjshir Valley and beyond, as well as deliver over 600 babies per month. In addition to the expansion of the Centre’s antenatal, gynaecological, obstetric and neonatal care facilities, a new guesthouse will facilitate our ability to train Afghan staff from across the country.
Thanks to the dedication of construction staff, who were forced to postpone works over the torrid winter months, the Centre should be ready for operation in December 2016. In the meantime, internal and external works will be completed, including the installation of power and heating facilities.
EMERGENCY UK would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported and donated to the Leave No Mother Behind campaign. It’s you that makes projects like this possible and enable EMERGENCY to bring free healthcare to millions worldwide.
For more information on the Anabah Maternity Centre and the Leave No Mother Behind Campaign, click here.