
Mayo Paediatric Centre

 Over 250,000 Outpatients Consultations in 2019.


As of 2017, an estimated 2,200,000 people are internally displaced in Sudan (UNHCR). A total of 651,000 refugees have sought sanctuary in the country (IDMC), of which 65% are children (UNOCHA). Among these refugee children, 1 in 6 suffer from serious malnutrition (UNOCHA). EMERGENCY is working to provide medical support for the most vulnerable.


The people living in the Mayo Camp, about 20 kilometres from Khartoum, are refugees. They are victims of the wars that have been tearing apart Sudan and its neighbours for the past 20 years. Today, Mayo has around 400,000 inhabitants. It is no longer possible to call it a refugee camp, due to its de facto permanence: the majority of families now living there have been doing so for years. Within the camp, living conditions are still extremely unstable. A lack of running water; no sewage system; and poverty put a heavy strain on the health of children, who make up 50% of the camp’s inhabitants.

In 2005, we opened the Mayo Paediatric Centre. It remains the only free healthcare facility available to the local population and delivers essential medical services for children under the age of 14. The illnesses we commonly encounter are direct consequences of living conditions in the camp: gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections, malnutrition, and malaria. Easily remedied, these conditions can – if left untreated – lead to more serious problems. As of June 2020, the centre has seen a total of 264,300 outpatient consultations and has admitted 24,021 patients. 15,198 patients have been referred to public hospitals for further treatment. EMERGENCY covers the costs of laboratory examinations and specialist referrals for all patients. In 2019 alone, we saw around 60 children each day, one in five of whom were malnourished.

Two years ago, we decided to broaden the scope of our work in Mayo, introducing obstetric and gynaecological services in order to perform check-ups on pregnant and breastfeeding women. In 2017, we saw an average of 35 obstetric and gynaecological visits per day. We also provide a postnatal service at home for women whose pregnancies we have monitored.


To help as many children as possible, our doctors, nurses and ‘health promoters’ organise health education outreach courses; screening sessions for malnutrition; monitoring for pregnant women; reproductive health services; and vaccination programmes throughout the camp. Our health promoters travel around the camp’s various neighbourhoods, providing information to mothers about essential hygiene practices and ensuring that our patients are following their prescribed courses of medication correctly. Once a week, doctors and nurses from the Mayo Paediatric Centre run screening services and provide vaccinations throughout the camp. In 2019, our team provided more than 15,000 vaccinations for mothers and babies. As of June 2020, our health promoters have delivered a total of 58,064 outreach visits.

Our outreach work also extends to local schools, and in 2017 a total of 6,390 children took part in nutrition and health education classes within educational establishments. This work has been possible thanks to the collaboration of Mujaddidon, a Sudanese NGO.

Update: 21 July 2017

Strengthening Basic Maternal and Pediatric Healthcare Services in the Mayo Area

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Sudan and EMERGENCY can announce the results of the first year of activities related to the project carried out in the Mayo area of Khartoum. The project – Health and Nutrition for the Vulnerable Population in Mayo – is co-funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and the European Union, and implemented in partnership with Mujaddidon NGO.

The main aim of the project is to improve health services and education for vulnerable people in the Mayo area by facilitating strong partnerships among civil society organizations and local authorities. 


In cooperation with national partners, the project is promoting pediatric and maternal health and education, and strengthening health service delivery with the provision of free medical treatments.

The project also aims to build a health-based culture among health workers and communities through the provision of training and awareness sessions; and the implementation of health promotion activities in 576 classes in Mayo schools, which will address children, teachers and communities.


These activities will ensure that communities will receive education sessions on good hygiene practice, child nutrition, prevention, immunization, the risk of malaria, and the importance of timely access to health facilities. After 12 months of the project, 113 classes in Mayo schools participated in awareness sessions. 14,499 children have been treated and 6,449 women received ANC/PNC/FP services.

By strengthening healthcare services, health education, and training health workers, the project is improving healthcare delivery and awareness in one of the most disadvantaged areas of Khartoum. Addressing the unmet health needs of the vast population of the Mayo area is the main goal of the project.



Through the implementation of the project, EMERGENCY will be able to reach more than 133,000 inhabitants living in Mayo area. The project will benefit the whole health sector thanks to on-the-job training for national health workers, and the provision of free healthcare services.

The Mayo Paediatric Centre is co-funded by the European Union (Delegation to Sudan) and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

Programme Data

Start of clinical activities: December 2005

Activities: Paediatrics, paediatric first aid.

Facilities: 2 clinics, observation ward, obstetric clinic, vaccination clinic, pharmacy, laboratory, technical and support services, welcome and health education area, outdoor play area.

Observation beds: 6

Local staff members: 48

Admissions: 24,021

Outpatient consultations: 264,300

Patients referred to public hospitals: 15,198

Outreach visits: 58,064

Newborns seen in the pre-natal ward: 3,582

Obstetric visits: 42,058

(Data correct as of June 2020)

Over 11 million patients treated since 1994. None of it possible without your support.

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