Sicily: “They beat me in prison, and I was left there for three months.”
A newly-arrived refugee in Sicily describes the traumatic Mediterranean crossing.
A newly-arrived refugee in Sicily describes the traumatic Mediterranean crossing.
An update from Sicily.
As fighting intensifies, Helmandis are searching for safety in Lashkar-Gar.
6th June 2016 A joint operation by EMERGENCY NGO, humanitarian organisation which provides medical care, and Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) is leaving Malta today aboard the Topaz Responder, a search and rescue vessel which will patrol the world’s deadliest migrant crossing: the central Mediterranean. More than 2.000 people have already died in 2016 attempting…
Migrant Response, Italy: N. and H. both came ashore with their families, but on their boats there were around 100 Egyptian children who came alone.
He came ashore with over 200 other migrants and refugees, but for him landing in Europe was especially momentous: it was his birthday.
In the last two days, over 1,500 people have come ashore in Pozzallo and Augusta, Sicily.